xxxHOLiC (×××ホリック Horikku) is an anime series based on the manga of the same name, created by the group of manga artists known as Clamp. It consists of 24 episodes, was produced by I.G. Production, and originally aired from April 6, 2006 to June 26, 2008 on TBS in Japan.
The series was licensed by FUNimation Entertainment in July 2007. Six DVDs were released between March 25, 2008 and October 21, 2008 featuring the first season while a DVD box was released on July 28, 2009.
Kimihiro Watanuki, a high-schooler, is troubled by monsters and spirits who are magically attracted to him. However, nobody else can see them but him. One day, Watanuki stumbles into a shop that grants wishes, and encounters Yuko Ichihara, a beautiful, seemingly all-knowing witch. Yuko doesn't waste time, she offers to grant Watanuki's wish to not be able to see those bothersome monsters and spirits any longer, however, there is a price. Yuko soon sees that Watanuki is a hard worker and would be useful for housework and other chores Yuko wishes for him to do until he works off enough to pay for the amount of power that needs to be used to grant his wish.