Why Does Nobody Remember Me in This World? is a 2024 anime series based on the light novel series with the same name written by Kei Sazane, and illustrated by Neco. It was serialized and published under Media Factory's MF Bunko J imprint from July 25, 2017 to August 25, 2020, with a total of 9 volumes. The manga version of the light novel was illustrated by Arikan, serialized in Media Factory's Monthly Comic Alive magazine on February 27, 2018.
The anime series was announced on July 23, 2023[1]. It was animated by Project No.9, directed by Tatsuma Minamikawa, and premiered on Japan's Tokyo MX channel on July 13, 2024. Crunchyroll licensed and produced an Englsih Dub of the series, which premiered on their steaming service on July 27, 2024[2][3].
War between the five races on earth - the humans, the "Demonic Race", the "Wild God Race", the "Spirit Race" and the "Phantom Beast Race"- has ended in the victory of humans.
It is said that "Prophet Sid" had sealed the other four races in the black pyramid now called "Crypts".
Kai's job is to watch the crypts and make sure that there is no change. He is also training to save humans when the other races break the seal and come back to this world.
The crypts looked quiet today...but after Kai felt the world bending in front of his eye...everything changed.
"World Rebirth" was activated...!!
Now Kai is in a totally different world where no one knows him. But he remembers everyone!