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Vampire in the Garden is an original Japanese net anime series produced by Wit Studio. The series was released on May 16, 2022 on Netflix, and it was originally set for a 2021 premiere, before being pushed to its current date.


The fateful meeting of a human and the vampire queen may change the world. From  and a team of talented creators comes

One cold winter, humanity lost its battle with the vampires, and with it, most of where they called home. A small population of survivors created a wall of light in a small town to protect them and give them a place to live in peace. The protagonist, Momo, lives a repressed life but still wishes to coexist with the enemy, the vampires. Fine, the vampire queen, once loved humans and disappeared from the battlefield. As war rages through the humans' town, the two have a fateful encounter.

Once upon a time, humans and vampires lived in harmony in a place called Paradise. This is the story of a young girl and a vampire on a journey to find Paradise.


Image Character Seiyū Dub Actor
Main Characters
Momo Megumi Han Xanthe Huynh
Fine Yū Kobayashi Larissa Gallagher
Secondary Characters
Allegro Chiaki Kobayashi Paul Castro Jr.
Nobara Rika Fukami Lipica Shah
Kubo Hiroki Tōchi Connor Fogarty
Recurring Characters
Mirena Ai Kakuma Megan Taylor Harvey
Pamela Misako Tomioka Stephanie Sheh
Kaede Umeka Shōji Anne Yatco
Sakazaki Noriaki Sugiyama Alan Lee
Kagyu Nobuo Tobita Andrew Kishino
Illisha Ari Ozawa Cassandra Lee Morris

Episodic Characters[]

Image Character Seiyū Dub Actor Episode
Guin ¿? Kellen Goff 1
Aaron Wataru Tsuyuzaki Michael Sinterniklaas 2
Bill Masato Niwa Kellen Goff
Largo Shōhei Kajikawa Kirk Thornton
Charlie ¿? Joe Ochman
Host Yōji Ueda Michael Sorich 3-4
Hasumi Tsuguo Mogami Luis Bermudez 4-5
Aria Megumi Han Xanthe Huynh 5
Kubo's Wife ¿? Stephanie Sheh

Additional Voices[]


Transmission via Streaming[]

Company Date Category Format Content Country
Netflix-logo May 16, 2022 TV Series / Netflix Original Series Digital 16+ United States United States

External Links[]
