Tweenies is a British live-action children's entertainment series created by Will Brenton and Iain Lauchlan. The programme is centered on four pre-school aged characters, known as the "Tweenies", playing, singing, dancing and learning in a fictional nursery in England. They are cared for by two adult Tweenies and two dogs.
Image | Character | Original UK version | US Re-Dubbed version |
Bella | Sally Preisig (eps. 1-41) |
Alyson Court | |
Emma Weaver (eps. 42-390) | |||
Fizz | Colleen Daley | Lisa Yamanaka | |
Jake | Justin Fletcher | Colin O'Meara | |
Milo | Bob Golding | Tracey Moore | |
Max | James Rankin | ||
Doodles | Justin Fletcher | ||
Judy | Sinead Rushe | Caroly Larson | |
Izzles | Colleen Daley | Vicki Lawrence |
- Melba Sibrel King, an actress formerly based in Nashville, has listed the series on her resume[1], implying that some work on the English dub was done in Nashville (much like The Noddy Shop, which had it's songs recorded in Nashville).
Date(s) | Channel | Country | |
April 7, 2003 - August 28, 2005 | Noggin | United States | |
April 7, 2003, July 21 - September 25, 2003 | Nickelodeon (Nick Jr.) | United States |
External Links[]
- Tweenies at the Internet Movie Database