Trunk Train (Portuguese: Tromba Trem) is a Brazilian Flash animated series created by Zé Brandão and produced by Copa Studio. It was originally released in 2010 as an animated short for the showcase AnimaTV conducted by channels TV Cultura and TV Brasil. At the end of the short was one of those chosen to become a TV series on Cartoon Network. It has international distribution of Cake Entertainment.
Character | Original Actor | Dub Actor |
Gajah | Roberto Rodrigues | Rafael Marín |
Duda | Maíra Kestenberg | Lissa Grossman |
Captain | Lucas de Castro | Hernán Chavarro |
Junior | Hugo Souza | Christian Vandepas |
Termite Queen | Maria Regina | Roly Gutierrez |
Elisa Lucinda | ||
Master Vulture | Beto Vandesteen | Hernán Chavarro |