Trotro is an animated series. The show is about a young donkey named Trotro. The show is based on the books of Bénédicte Guettier. The show is produced in a series of 78 episodes of 4 minutes each.
Image | Character | Original Actor | English Dub |
Trotro | Gwenvin Sommier | Joanna Ruiz | |
Trotro's mother | Muriel Flory | Julie-Ann Dean | |
Trotro's father | Vincent Jaspard | Andy Turvey |
Additional Voices[]
- Joanna Ruiz
- Julie-Ann Dean
- Katherine Dillon
- Andy Turvey
- Gabriela Milo
- Josie Taylor
External Links[]
- The Adventures of Little Brown Bear at the Internet Movie Database