Dubbing Wikia

Totally Spies! is a French-American-Canadian animated series created by Vincent Chalvon-Demersay and David Michel, and produced by Marathon Animation. The series aired between November 3, 2001 and March 1, 2015, consisting of 156 episodes divided into 6 seasons of 26 episodes each. In the United States, the series originally premiered on November 3, 2001 on Fox Family (now Freeform). The show was moved to Cartoon Network on July 7, 2003 where it enjoyed much success, and continued airing for a total of five seasons until 2009. In 2013, the show was revived for a sixth season, premiering at an event at the Palace of Versailles.

Totally Spies! first aired on 3 November 2001 on ABC Family (now Freeform) in the U.S. before moving to Cartoon Network less than two years later. It premiered on TF1 in France on 3 April 2002, and on Teletoon in Canada on 2 September 2002. Since the series debut, 156 episodes were broadcast, comprising six seasons and several specials.


Three teenage girls, Sam, Alex and Clover who live in Beverly Hills, California join the dangerous world of international espionage for a company named WOOHP (World Organization Of Human Protection), directed by Jerry and his assistant G.L.A.D.I.S. (Gadget Lending And Distribution Interactive System).

Dubbing History[]

The series' dub originally began production in the United States utilizing a Los Angeles-based voice cast. The series originally premiered on November 3, 2001 on Fox Family (now Freeform). The show was moved to Cartoon Network on July 7, 2003 where it enjoyed much success.

While the first two seasons of the show were produced in-house by Marathon, beginning with the third season, the series would be largely co-funded by Teletoon, Canada's first 24-hour cable and satellite channel dedicated to cartoons and other animations which is also the second in North America after Cartoon Network since 1997. Due to this, and in order to get a Canadian TV Tax Fund, the LA-based cast of the first two seasons were replaced with a Toronto-based voice cast for the rest of the series' run with the exception of Jennifer Hale and Andrea Baker, both of whom were able to reprise due to having dual Canadian citizenship.


Image Character Original Actor Dub Actor Season Ep(s).
Main Characters
TSSammys1 Samantha "Sam" Simpson Claire Guyot Jennifer Hale United States 1-6
TSClovers1 Clover Ewing Fily Keita Andrea Baker United States 1-6
TSAlexs1 Alexandra "Alex" Casoy Céline Mauge Katie Leigh United States 1-2
TSAlexs5 Katie Griffin Canada 3-6
TSJerrys5 Jerry Lewis Jean-Claude Donda Jess Harnell United States 1-2
Adrian Truss Canada 3-6
TSYoungjerry 3 58
TSMandys1 Mandy Céline Mauge Jennifer Hale United States 1-6
Gladis G.L.A.D.I.S. Laura Préjean Stevie Vallance Canada 3-4
Secondary Characters
TerrenceTS Terrence Lewis Jean-Claude Donda Gary Krawford Canada 3-4
5 126
TSGeraldine Geraldine Husk Véronique Augereau United States 2
Kathleen Laskey Canada 3-5
TSHelgavG Helga von Guggen Pascale Jacquemont Adrienne Barbeau United States 1-2
Canada 4
5 126
TSJazzhands Jazz Hands Patrice Baudrier Dwayne Hill Canada 4-5
TSTimScam Tim Scam Guillaume Orsat Michael J. Gough United States 1-2
Patrice Baudrier Robert Tinkler Canada 3-4
TSMyrna Myrna Beesbottom Françoise Blanchard Judy Marshak Canada 3-4
TSBoogieGus Boogie Gus Alexis Tomassian Joseph Motiki Canada 3-4
TSBritney Britney Edwige Lemoine Lindsay Ridgeway United States 2
Kelly Marot Stephanie Broschart Canada 3
Alexandra Garijo 5
TSDean Dean Billy Crawford Jonathan Wilson Canada 3-5
TSBlaine Blaine Charles Pestel Daniel DeSanto Canada 5-6
Other Secondary Characters
TSMrsLewis Mrs. Lewis
(Jerry's Mother)
Françoise Blanchard Kath Soucie United States 2 36
Mari Trainor Canada 5 129-130
6 148
Arnold Jackson Vincent Ropion Dee Bradley Baker United States 1-2
Donald Reignoux Robert Tinkler Canada 3-5
TSDominique Dominique Laura Préjean Andrea Baker United States 1-5
TSCaitlin Caitlin Edwige Lemoine Katie Leigh United States 1-2
Katie Griffin Canada 4 102-104
StellaTES Stella Fily Keita Kath Soucie United States 2 36-37
TSs4Stella Andrea Baker 4 102-104
TSs2Gabriella Gabriella Claire Guyot Jennifer Hale United States 2 36
TSs4Gabriella 4 102-104
TSs2Carmen Carmen Céline Mauge Katie Leigh United States 2 36
TSs4Carmen Katie Griffin Canada 4 83
DavidTS David Donald Reignoux Darryl Kurylo United States 2
Canada 4 2
TSMindy Mindy Edwige Lemoine Katie Griffin Canada 5
TSTrent Trent Emmanuel Garijo Scott Beaudin Canada 6
TSPlunkett Professor Plunkett Xavier Fagnon Canada 6
TSDeanWarden Dean Warden Emmanuel Garijo Deven Mack Canada 6
Minor Characters
Minor Villains
TSHayes1 Captain Hayes Adrien Antoine Canada 3 68
5 117
6 138
TSLumiere Marco Lumiere Vincent Ropion Dee Bradley Baker United States 1-2 26-27
Canada 4 87
WillardTS Willard Philippe Catoire Billy West United States 2 45
Pierre Tessier Jamie Watson Canada 3 64
TSep74shirley Shirley Françoise Blanchard United States 2 34
Edwige Lemoine Canada 3 74
GeleeTES Dr. Gelee Daniel Beretta Simon Templeman United States 1 25
2 47
TrodeTES Trode Patrice Baudrier Brian Cummings United States 1 15
Thierry Mercier 2 51
TSs1Smalls Diminutive Smalls Rob Paulsen United States 1 13
John Stocker Canada 4 85
TSs2Gray Dr. Leon Gray Richard Leblond Bill Farmer United States 2 46
Anthony Sardinha Canada 6 148
TSs4Manny Manny Wong Adrien Antoine Ron Rubin Canada 4 89
6 151
TSs4violet Violet Vanderfleet Laura Préjean Linda Ballantyne Canada 4 91
6 151
TSinventor Inventor Canada 4 102-104
TSgrannys5 Granny Mary Long Canada 5 108
6 139
TSs5Yves Yves Mont Blanc Emmanuel Garijo Canada 5 114
6 151
TS155Auguste Auguste Philippe Catoire Canada 6 155-156
Other Minor Characters
TBONTES T-Bone Christophe Lemoine Scott Menville United States 2 34
Tony Marot Canada 5 117
TSGuillaume Guillaume Emmanuel Garijo Christian Laurin Canada 3 72
5 114
TSPhoebe Phoebe Jennifer Hale United States 3-4
NormanTS Norman Katie Leigh United States 2 37
Tony Marot Canada 6 153
TSs4alexdad Alex's Father Canada 4 83
TSs6alexdad Xavier Fagnon 6 143
TSVirgil Virgil Donald Reignoux Canada 5 107

Episodic Characters[]

Image Character Original Actor Dub Actor Episode
First Season United States
TSEP1Ricky Ricky Mathis Bob Bergen 1
TSEP1worker1 Record Shop Workers Jim Ward 1
TSEP1worker2 Bob Bergen
TSep2makeda Makeda Edwige Lemoine Dawn McMillan 2
TSEp2Tassara Queen Tassara Kelly Marot Kimberly Brooks 2
LesterTS06 Lester Crawley Christian Pélissier Billy West 5
TS08Ambassador Chewbaccastan
Thierry Wermuth Jim Ward 7
TS05AgentKozy Kozy Agent 8
TSEP8Rick Rick Quinton Flynn 8
TSEP9Billybob Billy Bob Jess Harnell 9
TS09Tuesday Tuesday Tate Laurence Dourlens Cree Summer 10
TS10VinceKing Vince King Pascal Renwick Jess Harnell 11
TSEP13bittersweet Inga Bittersweet B.J. Ward 13
TSEP13Shirley Shirley Rogers Laura Préjean Kath Soucie 13
JamesTS18 James Ian James Corlett 18
TSEp18Teacher Teacher Frank Welker 18
TSEP19Dale Dale Parks Tony Marot Tony Daniels 19
EdisonTS17 Edison Benoît Allemane Jeff Bennett 20
TSep20pam Pam Grey DeLisle 20
TSep20alice Alice Julie Turin 20
TSEP20Robbie Robbie Guthrie Rino Romano 20
TSEP21SKandinsky Great Kandinsky Patrick Préjean Jeff Bennett 21
TSEP21SAuctioneer Madrid Auctioneer 21
SimonTS23 Simon Tucker Thierry Mercier Corey Burton 22
JohnSmithTS22 Principal John Smith Patrick Préjean Mark Hamill 23
TSEP23Keller Mrs. Keller Jeannie Elias 23
TSEP23Theodore Theodore Sophie Arthuys Richard Steven Horvitz 23
TSep24eisenstein Eisenstein Olivier Hémon Jim Ward 24
TSEP24Emperor Emperor of Japan Tom Kane 24
TSEP24Primeminister Malaysian Prime Minister Jess Harnell 24
TSASIBBrock Brock Williams Daniel Beretta Cam Clarke 26
TSASIBJulia Julia Hastings Céline Monsarrat Kathy Ireland 26
TSASIBDirk Dirk Johnson Jess Harnell 26
Second Season United States
TSEP28Ian Ian Flemish Jason Marsden 28
FeliciaTS Felicia Mane Vanina Pradier Grey DeLisle 29
TSEP29Sister Sister 29
TSEP29Guard1 Guard 1 Jess Harnell 29
TSEP29Guard2 Guard 2 29
CoachTS Coach François Siener 31
TSEP31Mira Mira Julie Turin 31
SDTS Sunny Day Lauren Tom 32
TSEP32BOB B.O.B. Alexis Victor Daran Norris 32
NatalieTS Natalie Valentine Vanina Pradier Mindy Sterling 33
TSEP33Rose Rose 33
QuiversTS Mrs. Quivers 38
TSEP38Madison Madison Debi Derryberry 38
TSEP38President U.S. President Philippe Catoire Bill Farmer 38
WinkTS Wink 50
MargieTS Margie 50
TSEP50Zack Zack Michael Reisz 50
TSEP50Teacher Teacher 50
TSEP51Customer Customer 51
TSEP51Worker Fashion Store Worker Jess Harnell 51
TSEP52Seth Seth Patrick Mancini Wally Wingert 52
TSEP52Randy Randy Michael Reisz 52
TSEP52Soldier Toy Sergeant Thierry Mercier Richard Epcar 52
Third Season Canada
TS54Host Reality Show Host 54
LadylunaTS Lady Luna Cynthia West 56
TS56Ricky Ricky Rickerson 56
TS58Boy Boy 58
FelicityTS Felicity Fences Kristina Nicoll 59
TS59Tai Tai 59
TS59Senator J.R.L Junior 59
UlrichTS Ulrich Wernerstein Philippe Catoire David Sparrow 61
DashTS Dash Dawson 62
TS62Mascot School Mascot 62
LoganTS Dr. Logan Jay Philippe Catoire David Sparrow 63
TS64Gargantua Gargantuan 64
TS64Surgeon Surgeon 64
TSep65paragon Paragon Magali Rosenzweig 65
TS65Andy Andy 65
TS65Guard Guard 65
TS65hostess Program Hostess 65
TS66Brain Brain 66
Tsep67sergei Sergei Jeremy From 67
TS68Supercargo Supercargo 68
TS69Seth Seth 69
TS70Gazelle Gazelle Lauren Collins 70
TSep71yingyang Yin-Yang Patrick Borg 71
TS71Tara Tara Lauren Collins 71
TS72Minister Minister 72
TS73Chucky Chucky Emmanuel Garijo 73
Tsep75link Professor Link Serge Faliu Cedric Smith 75
TS75Randolph Randolph 75
TSEPMGuidesam Sam's Trainer 76
TSEPMGuideclover Clover's Trainer 76
TSEPMGuidealex Alex's Trainer 76
TSEPMGuidedean Dean's Trainer 76
Fourth Season Canada
TS79Skyler Skyler 79
TS79Tyler Tyler 79
TS79Wyler Wyler 79
OP1 O.P. Parents Bill Colgate 82
OP2 82
TSmainTitle1 Todd 83
TSmainTitle1 Dr. Roberts 84
TSmainTitle1 Evelyne 87
TS91Rod Rod Bentley 91
MilanTS Milan Stilton Kelly Marot 92
TS94IceCreamMan Ice Cream Man Bernard Bollet Juan Chioran 94
TS99Bonita Bonita Bikham Laurence Dourlens 99
TSmainTitle1 Farmer John 100
TSmainTitle1 Ziggy 101
Fifth Season Canada
ChetTS Chet Emmanuel Garijo Lyon Smith 105
StacyTS Stacy Jennifer Hale 106
TS106Profesor Professor of Surfology 106
TS106Ling Ling Ying 106
TS111Muffy Muffy Peprich Dorothée Pousseo Megan Fahlenbock 111
TS112Nandia Nadia 112
TS113Juliano Juliano 113
TS113Giuseppe Giuseppe
TSManhands Man Hands 115
TS115Freak Neat Freak
TS115Tornado Walking Tornado
TS116Mario Mario Emmanuel Garijo 116
TSMartinTMM Martin Mystery Alexis Tomassian Samuel Vincent 118
TS118Yeti Yeti 118
TSMOMTMM M.O.M. Laurence Dourlens Teryl Rothery 118
TSUWatchTMM U Watch 118
TS119SushiBob Sushi Bob Emmanuel Curtil 119
TS122Sigmund Sigmund Smith Tony Marot 122
TS123Milton Milton Bard 123
TS124Starchy Senor Starchy Emmanuel Curtil 125
TS128Meredith Meredith 128
Sixth Season Canada
TS131Telly Telly Hardwire Emmanuel Garijo Kevin Dennis 131
TS134Feline Feline Dion Caroline Mozzone 132
TS133Skip Skip Joystick Xavier Fagnon 133
TS134Brick Brick Wavebreak Emmanuel Garijo 134
TS135Bertha Bertha Bombshell 135
TS136Timmy Timmy Tony Marot 136
TS137Wera Wera Vann 137
Ts140durlock Durlock Guillaume Orsat Ivan Sherry 140
Ts141lance Lance Wrishback 141
TS141chomper Chomper
TS142Seth Seth Toyman Emmanuel Garijo Scott Gorman 142
TS143Ice Ice-Solina Alexandra Garijo Ann Pirvu 143
TS144maggie Maggie Trendset 144
TS145Salty Salty Schooner Xavier Fagnon 145
TS147dude Little Dude 147
TS149bozette Bozette Slapstick 149
TS150cosmo Cosmo Stratus 150
Ts152shelly Shelly Junglelove 152
TS153Producer The Producer 153
TS154fangirl FanGirl Alexandra Garijo 154

Additional Voices[]



Date(s) Channel Country
2001 Fox Family United States United States
2001-2002 ABC Family
2003-2010 Cartoon Network
2019-2020 Universal Kids
2002-2015 Teletoon Canada Canada
2002-2009 RTÉ Two Ireland Ireland
2013-present TG4
2002-2013 Disney Channel Southeast Asia
???? Nickelodeon[1] South Africa South Africa

Video Releases[]

Distributor Year Format Contents Region Country
Goodtimes Entertainment 2004 VHS Episodes 1-13 NTSC United States United States
3 Volumes
DVD Episodes 1-13 1
3 Volumes
New Video Group 2013-2014 Episodes 1-78
6 Volumes
2013 Episodes 1-78
12 Discs

See Also[]


External Links[]
