Tokyo Mafia: Yakuza Wars is a direct-to-video movie directed by Seiichi Shirai. The film was originally released in Japan on December 1, 1995. The film was released in North America on DVD by Central Park Media on October 9, 2001.
Ginya Yabuki is a successful criminal on the fringes of Kabukicho, dealing in whale meat and flash memory chips with a small group of six comrades. But it wasn't always like this. Yabuki used to be a member of the Yamaryu crime syndicate. However, by cozying up to the boss he earned himself a major beat down from the 2nd in command of the Yamaryu group, Iwagami. After getting his face bashed in and an ashtray to the head, Yabuki turns the tables on the overzealous Iwagami by pulling a gun and shooting him in the leg. He bites off his pinky in a spectacular show of atonement for his actions, and resigns from the syndicate, followed by his well meaning but not so bright lackey, Yuki. Nowadays, Yabuki is content to make his cabbage in deals with the various criminal organizations around Tokyo, including the Chinese mafia (who have a habit of cutting off limbs of people who oppose them), and spreading the cash around the guys in his little group - including some white dude named "Smith". But, as the money rolls in his small cadre starts to grow, and his old Yakuza connections start to get interested in Yabuki's goings-ons. His old friend Sho Saimon helps broker a deal between Yabuki's group and the Yakuza. But quickly the various Yakuza groups want a bigger piece of the pie, and in the words of Yabuki, "Can 70 men stand against 3,000?"
Tokyo Mafia: Wrath of the Yakuza is a direct-to-video movie directed by Seiichi Shirai. The film was originally released in Japan on April 5, 1996. The film was released in North America on DVD by Central Park Media on February 12, 2002. This is the second installment of the Tokyo Mafia series.
From the dark past of the Tokyo Mafia, an old friends returns as a deadly enemy. Blood brothers are driven to bitter hatred as betrayal rips mafia loyalties apart. Restless gans roam the streets, looking for a piece of the action. Only the strong will survive the wrath of the yakuza!
Tokyo Mafia: Battle for Shinjuku is a direct to video Japanese film directed by Takeshi Miyasaka. It was released in Japan on November 1, 1996. The film was released on DVD by Central Park Media on April 30, 2002. This is the third installment of the Tokyo Mafia series.
Years ago, ace hit man Ginya Yabuki turned his back on his lifelong partner and walked away from the mob... or so he thought. Now he has returned as the crime lord of the Tokyo Mafia, a covert criminal organization that rules the back streets through honor and fear. No longer content to stay in the shadows, Ginya is back to challenge his old allies, to face his former partner, and to ignite a war that will bring a crime world to its knees!
Tokyo Mafia: Yakuza Blood is a direct to video Japanese film directed by Takeshi Miyasaka. It was released in Japan on October 24, 1997. The film was released on DVD by Central Park Media on September 10, 2002. This is the forth and final installment of the Tokyo Mafia series.
The legendary assassin, a hit man who killed 300 battle hardened gangsters in one night, is a man named Gingya Yabuki. But ten years after that fabled massacare, Gingya has lost everything: his partner, his love, and the Mafia that was his to rule. Forgotten by all, he is content to die in obscurity. But a young gangster has come to him seeking training, and the old rage still burns. It's time for one last stand, one last blaze of glory. This town will never forget the name of the Tokyo Mafia.