Throne of Elves (精灵王座), also known as Dragon's Nest 2: Throne of Elves, is a 2016 Chinese animated adventure romance film directed by Song Yuefeng. It was released in China by Beijing Enlight Pictures on August 19, 2016, in 2D and 3D. It is the sequel to the 2014 animated film Dragon Nest: Warriors' Dawn based on the video game Dragon Nest.
Image | Character | Original Actor | Dub Actor |
Princess Liya | Xu Jiao | Ashley Boettcher | |
Lambert | Shen Dawei | Ryan Potter | |
Meyla | Huang Ying | Anika Noni Rose | |
Queen Mayre | Ji Guanlin | Julie Nathanson | |
Prince Alyan | Gavin Hammon | ||
Varnack | Meng Xianglong | Kevin Michael Richardson | |
Blacksmith Berlin | Yuan Guoqing | Enn Reitel | |
Elf Captain | G.K. Bowes |
Additional Voices[]
Video Releases[]
Distributor | Year | Format | Region | Country | |
WVG Medien | 2017 | B DVB-T |
Germany | ||
Umbrella Entertainment | 4 PAL |
Australia |
See Also[]
External Links[]
- Throne of Elves at the Internet Movie Database