Dubbing Wikia

The Witch and the Beast is a 2024 anime series based on the manga with the same name written and illustrated by Kousuke Satake. It was serialized and published by Kodansha on November 6, 2016 in Young Magazine the 3rd from November 6, 2016 to April 6, 2021, before being moved to Monthly Young Magazine on May 20, 2021.

The anime series was announced in August of 2022[1]. It was animated by Yokohama Animation Labratory, directed by Takayuki Hamana, and it premiered in Japan from January 12, 2024 to April 5, 2024, consisting of 12 episodes. Crunchyroll licensed and produced an English Dub of the series, which premiered on their streaming service on January 25, 2024[2].


It all started with the 17 "Origins," whose powers were passed down to individuals who still exist around the world today.

A man carrying a coffin and a girl with the eyes of a beast appear in a town. The girl was once cursed by a witch and now searches for her in order to undo the curse. Is the witch who appears before them the quarry they've been searching for? And how can the curse be undone?

This quest for revenge against an evil witch begins rolling when the beast captures the witch. This magnificent and intense dark fantasy begins now!


Image Character Seiyū Dub Actor
Main Characters
Guideau Yō Taichi Rowan Gilvie
Ashaf Toshiyuki Morikawa Xan Cramer
Secondary Characters
Phanora Kristoffel Saori Hayami Katelyn Barr
Johan Ryōta Ōsaka Kyle Phillips
Helga Velvette Miyu Tomita Brittney Karbowski
Demon Sword Ashgan Rintarō Nishi Jarrod Greene
Matt Cugat Akira Ishida Landon McDonald
The Executioner Kazuhiro Yamaji Bruce Carey
Lowell Yū Kobayashi Amanda Gael
Kiera Haines Junko Minagawa Morgan Lauré
Jeff Enker Hozumi Gōda Jeff Plunk
Necromancer Nozomu Sasaki Barry Yandell
Recurring Characters
The Global Holy Church
Farmus Kōsei Hirota Mark Stoddard
Angela's Coven
Angela Anne Huell Kana Hanazawa Erin Nicole Lundquist
Narrator Mutsumi Sasaki Kent Williams

Episodic Characters[]

Image Character Seiyū Dub Actor Ep(s).
Ione Yōko Hikasa Lydia Mackay 1
Mary Noriko Shibasaki Kelly Greenshield
Reuben Cole Hidenobu Kiuchi Christopher Wehkamp 3
Shulk Atsushi Kōsaka Aaron Michael
Loran Takuma Terashima Drew Breedlove
Enker's Partner Shunichi Maki Ray Hurd 4
Helga's Sister Mizuki Mano Erica Muse 8-9
Executioner’s Partner Hiroki Yasumoto Brian Mathis 10
Falvell Farmington Mizuki Mano Kelsey Poppen 11-12
Owent Farmington Aimi Tanaka Madeleine Morris
Sven Daisuke Ono Aaron Roberts
Karl Oakleave /
Satoshi Shibasaki Bryson Baugus

Additional Voices[]


Cast Reveal[]

Transmission via Streaming[]

Company Date Category Format Classification Content Country
Crunchyroll Logo January 25, 2024 Anime Digital TV-14 Season 1 12 Eps. United States United States


External Links[]
