The Third: The Girl with the Blue Eye is a 2006 anime series directed by Jun Kamiya, animated by Xebec and based on the light novel series by Ryo Hoshino.
The series originally aired in Japan from April 13, 2006 to October 26, 2006, consisting of 24 episodes.
With the help of an artificially intelligent tank called Bogie, Honoka attempts to make a living as a jack of all trades for hire in a future devastated by war and full of over-sized insects that plague the sands between towns. One day in her travels she comes across a strange man alone in the desert, but rescuing him has consequences and brings unwanted trouble her way.
This is the first and so-far only dub by Headline Sound Studios to be a bicoastal dub due to the presence of both New York and Los Angeles voice actors.