The Mini Adventures of Winnie the Pooh is a series of 2-3 minute shorts created by abridging segments from various earlier Winnie the Pooh productions such as The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, A Day for Eeyore, The Tigger Movie, Piglet's Big Movie, and Pooh's Heffalump Movie. Many of the voices are re-dubbed with the cast from the 2011 film, though some voices are retained from the original movies.
Many of the shorts can be easily found on YouTube. Some are also available on various Winnie the Pooh DVDs and Blu-rays.
Image | Character | Original Actor | Dub Actor |
Winnie the Pooh | Sterling Holloway | Jim Cummings | |
Hal Smith | |||
Jim Cummings | |||
Tigger | Paul Winchell | ||
Jim Cummings | |||
Piglet | John Fiedler | Travis Oates | |
Rabbit | Junius Matthews | Tom Kenny | |
Will Ryan | |||
Ken Sansom | |||
Eeyore | Ralph Wright | Bud Luckey | |
Peter Cullen | |||
Gregg Berger | |||
Owl | Hal Smith | Craig Ferguson | |
Roo | Clint Howard | Wyatt Dean Hall | |
Dori Whitaker | |||
Dick Billingsley | |||
Christopher Robin | Bruce Reitherman | Jack Boulter | |
Jon Walmsley | |||
Timothy Turner | |||
Narrator | Sebastian Cabot | John Cleese | |
Laurie Main | |||
John Hurt |
- Jack Boulter and Wyatt Dean Hall only seem to dub their respective characters in the Many Adventures and A Day for Eeyore footage. The original actor's voices are retained in The Tigger Movie, Piglet's Big Movie, and Pooh's Heffalump Movie footage.
- Gregg Berger replaced Bud Luckey as Eeyore for the Piglet's Big Movie footage due to Luckey's retirement in 2014.
- Kanga, Gopher, and Lumpy are the only characters who aren't re-dubbed.
- The Pooh's Heffalump Movie footage isn't re-dubbed at all, aside from the added John Cleese narration of course.
Date(s) | Channel | Country | |
2011-? | Disney Junior | United States |
External Links[]
- The Mini Adventures of Winnie the Pooh at the Internet Movie Database