The Legend of Hei, released in China as The Legend of Luo Xiaohei (罗小黑战记 Luō Xiǎohēi Zhàn Jì), is an animated movie released in Summer 2019. A prequel to the cartoon show, The Legend of Luo Xiaohei, the movie details various events in the life of Luo Xiaohei before the series.
The story begins on a rainy night when Luo Xiao Hei, a cat demon, is injured badly after stealing Laojun's pearl artifact. As a result, he is transformed from his humanoid form to become a black kitten. He is then saved by a young girl Luo Xiaobai and brings him home. Luo Xiaobai and Luo Xiao Hei become very close friends and their adventure starts in a world where people, goblins, and gods coexist.