The Legend of Black Heaven (課長王子 Kachō-Ōji) is an anime television series that aired between July 8, 1999 and October 7, 1999 in Japan, consisting of 13 episodes. The series was released in North America on DVD by Geneon Entertainment between October 31, 2000 and April 24, 2001.
Oji Tanaka has a wife, a child and a mundane job as a salary man in Tokyo's modern society. But life wasn't dull for him to begin with; 15 years ago, he was known as "Gabriel", leader of a short-lived heavy metal band called Black Heaven. Oji's life gets a sudden change in direction when he is invited by a mysterious blonde woman named Layla to pick up his Gibson Flying V and once again display his "legendary" guitar skills, not knowing that his music generates power for a massive weapon in an intergalactic war.
Beau Billingslea is often miscredited as the American in episode 10 in the English dub. This is because both Beau Billingslea and Joey Camen sound similar to each other.