The Honor Student at Magic High School is a an anime series that serves as a spinoff to The Irregular at Magic High School. The anime adaptation premiered from July 3, 2021 to September 25, 2021, consisting of 13 episodes. Funimation licensed the series while Bang Zoom! Studios produced an English Dub, which premiered on August 28, 2021[1].
"Big brother, this time Miyuki is the star of the show."
Magic. It has been nearly a century since magic came to be recognized as a real form of technology. Magicians who wield magical power receive their training at an institution called Magic High School.
This spring, a young woman named Miyuki Shiba begins her term at this high school where young and talented magicians hone their skills every day. Miyuki is an honor student possessing both impeccable beauty and intellect. She dreamed of enjoying her school life with her beloved older brother Tatsuya, but soon discovers that the rift between the academically gifted Course 1 students and the inferior Course 2 students is quite an impediment to that hope.
This magical high school drama focuses on Miyuki, the younger sister and honor student, along with her older brother Tatsuya, the "irregular student," as well as their eccentric classmates and rivals!