The Great Cleric is a 2023 anime series directed by Masato Tamagawa, animated by Yokohama Animation Lab and Cloud Hearts and based on the light novel by Broccoli Lion.
It premiered in Japan on July 6th 2023 with the English dub premiering on July 20, 2023.
Can a former salaryman become peerless in another world?!
A salaryman was shot to death just before earning a promotion, and a god decided to reincarnate him in another world as a fifteen-year-old healer named Luciel. On top of all that, the country he was born into seems to hate healers. Feeling that he's in danger, Luciel visits the adventurers' guild in hopes of keeping himself safe. But the training is much harder than he expected, and every day he's forced to drink a mysterious beverage called "Substance X." Wait, this life doesn't seem to have anything to do with being a healer...
The day-to-day life of a super-masochistic, back-from-the-dead healer begins, with his very survival on the line!