Flying Phantom Ship (空飛ぶゆうれい船, Soratobu Yūreisen) is a 1969 anime feature film directed by Hiroshi Ikeda and produced by Toei Animation. The animation and design work on the giant robot was done by the then-largely-unknown Hayao Miyazaki. It was released to Japanese theatres on July 20, 1969.
On May 28, 2022, Discotek Media announced an English dub of the movie produced by Kocha Sound.
Character | Seiyū | Dub Actor |
Hayato Arashiyama | Masako Nozawa | Mona Marshall |
Ruriko | Yukiko Okada | Julia Gu |
Mr. Arashiyama | Akira Nagoya | Frank Todaro |
Jack | ¿? | Kellen Goff |
Mr. Kuroshiro | Akio Tanaka | Lucas Schuneman |
Mrs. Kuroshio | Kyōko Satomi | Anne Yatco |
Phantom Ship Captain | Gorō Naya | Patrick Seitz |
Haniwa | ¿? | Rick Zieff |
Ito | ¿? | Alex Mai |
Katsuda | ¿? | Ben Balmaceda |
Additional Voices[]
- Ben Balmaceda
- Bryson Baugus
- Dani Chambers
- Y. Chang
- Khoi Dao
- Cassie Ewulu
- Ricco Fajardo - Agent of Boa
- Emily Frongillo
- Cris George - Golem
- Kellen Goff
- Michael Kovach- Corporate Henchman #C
- Krystal LaPorte
- Brittany Lauda
- Alex Mai
- Erica Mendez
- Madeleine Morris
- Christopher Niosi
- Michelle Rojas
- Alejandro Saab
- Cody Savoie
- Matt Shipman
- Kevin D. Thelwell
Video Releases[]
Distributor | Year | Format | Region | Country | |
Discotek Media | 2022 | A DVB-T |
United States |
External Links[]
- The Flying Phantom Ship at the Internet Movie Database
- The Flying Phantom Ship (anime) at Anime News Network's encyclopedia