The Flying House, known in Japan as Tondera Hausu no Daibōken (トンデラハウスの大冒険, Adventures of the Flying House), is an anime television series produced by Tatsunoko Productions broadcast between April 1982 and March 1983 on TV Tokyo, and distributed by the Christian Broadcasting Network in the United States. In 2010, the Christian Broadcasting Network made the 52 episodes available for viewing online.
At the same time, CBN and Tatsunoko also produced a related series, Superbook.
In the Philippines, reruns of the show were broadcast on GMA Network in 1992 and on ABS-CBN in 2015. The episodes are currently broadcast on Pop Life TV via digital free-to-air television BEAM TV. It was also broadcast on the Australian Christian Channel in Australia.
Character | Seiyū | Dub Actor |
Justin Casey | Satomi Majima | Billie Lou Watt |
Angie Roberts | Sanae Takagi | Sonia Owens |
Corky Roberts | Runa Akiyama | Helena Van Koert |
Professor Humphrey Bumble | Yoshita Yasuhara | Hal Studer |
S.I.R. | Kyōko Tongū | Ray Owens |
Jesus Christ | Jun Hazumi | |
Paul | ¿? | Hal Studer |
God | Ray Owens |
Additional Voices[]
- Joan Audiberti
- Ivy Austin
- Michael Cooke
- Liane Curtis
- Robert Dryden
- George Gonneau
- Suzanne Granfield
- William Kiehl
- Tom Klunis
- Don Kobiela
- Ira Lewis
- Peggy Lobbin
- Gilbert Mack
- Corinne Orr
- Ray Owens
- Larry Robinson
- Lionel Wilson
- Steve Winfield
External Links[]
- The Flying House at the Internet Movie Database
- The Flying House at Anime News Network's encyclopedia