The Dimension Travelers (なぞの転校生, Nazo no Tenkōsei) is a Japanese science fiction film that premiered on December 26, 1998. The film was licensed by Central Park Media who dubbed and released the film on VHS and DVD on May 14, 2002.
Character | Original Actor | Voice Actor |
Midori Kagawa | Chiharu Niiyama | Ami Shukla |
Mayumi Iwase | Yasue Sato | Jessica Calvello |
Koichi Iwata | Satoshi Tsumabuki | Jake Eisbert |
Yamazawa | Masāki Takarai | Eric Stuart |
Midori's Mother | Kiriko Shimizu | Lynna Lewis |
Midori's Father | Shiro Namiki | J. David Brimmer |
Otani | Kayano Komaki | Shannon Conley |
Konoike | Ken Nishida | Timothy Breese Miller |
Santo | Yasumi Maezawa | Linda Nader |
Kishibe | Masami Horiuchi | Bill Migliore |
Additional Voices[]
- Kat Devaney
- Frankie Frame
- Larry Isaacs
- Kip Kaplan
- Rachel Kaplan
- Shannon Conley - Grandmother
External Links[]
- The Dimension Travelers at the Internet Movie Database.