Dubbing Wikia

The Crumpets (Les Crumpets) is a French animated comedy television series produced by 4.21 Productions and distributed by Mediatoon Distribution. The show was adapted from the Petit Dernier books and Petite Pousse book authored by Didier Lévy, illustrated by Frédéric Benaglia, and published by Editions Sarbacane.

Originally premiered on Canal+ Family (seasons 1-3) and Télétoon+ (season 4 and a special) in France, seasons 1 and 2 were released on Amazon Prime Video in the United Kingdom in September 2020.

Dubbing History[]

The 2011 pilot was dubbed into English in the United Kingdom, unlike the main series.

The English dub for the official series was produced by Gilles Motais for Distribimage Inc., directed by Darren Dunstan and adapted by David Cox. Although primarily recorded with an American voice cast, this dub gave virtually all characters British accents. The dialogue also includes British English words and phrases such as "telly", "nappy" and "holiday" (as in "vacation"). The pound is occasionally mentioned as currency, although visible references to the euro are intact.

For the English dub of Teen Crumpets (seasons 3 and 4), The Kitchen dubbing studio used (North) American accents and a different voice cast.

In November 2015, 4.21 Productions established a Kickstarter fundraiser for an English dub of season 3 (the only Teen Crumpets season at the time). Although the fundraiser fell short of funds by its deadline, an English dub of the season 3 episode "Baby Sister" can be viewed on the C21Media website, not to mention few episodes that could be viewed on Malaysia Airlines flights in early 2018.

An entire English dub of Teen Crumpets, which is available on the Mediatoon Distribution catalog, has yet to be released.


Pilot (2011)[]

Image Character Original Actor Dub Actor
Lil One Crumpet Lil' One Théo Benhamour Thomas Mills
Pa crumpet Pa Crumpet Tom Novembre Joe Mills
Ma crumpet Ma Crumpet Marie-Eugenie Marechal Fiona Clarke
Caprice crumpet Caprice Crumpet Sarah Benhamour
Ms mcbrisk Ms. McBrisk Michèle Garcia

Main Series (2013-2021)[]

Image Character Original Actor Dub Actor
(Episodes 1-52)
Lil One Crumpet Lil' One Théo Benhamour Joseph Pollock
Victor Biavan
Wandrille Devisme
Pa crumpet Pa Crumpet Tom Novembre Marc Thompson
Ma crumpet Ma Crumpet Emmanuelle Hamet Melissa Chambers
Granny Crumpet Granny Michèle Garcia Mary O'Brady
Caprice crumpet Caprice Crumpet Rebecca Benhamour Kate Bristol
Pfff crumpet Pfff Crumpet Léonard Hamet Billy Bob Thompson
Bother crumpet Bother Crumpet Siméon Hamet Erica Schroeder
Antoine Raffin
Lucas Ripberger
Blister crumpet Blister Crumpet Rosalie Hamet Rebecca Soler
Chiara Vergne
King crumpet King Crumpet Antoine Raffin Alex Luscomb
Lucas Ripberger
Ditzy crumpet Ditzy Crumpet Rosalie Hamet Erica Schroeder
Ohoh crumpet Ohoh Crumpet Siméon Hamet Rebecca Soler
Triceps crumpet Triceps Crumpet Kelly Marot
Fynartz crumpet Fynartz Crumpet Léon Plazol Erica Schroeder
Grownboy crumpet Grownboy Crumpet Olivier Podesta Jason Griffith
Ms mcbrisk Ms. McBrisk Marie-France Ducloz Erica Schroeder
Cassandra mcbrisk Cassandra McBrisk Kelly Marot Nicola Barber
Uncle hurried Uncle Hurry Luq Hamet Eli James
Aunt harried Aunt Harried Juliette Degenne Rebecca Soler
Cordless Cordless Olivier Podesta Billy Bob Thompson
Steve Steve Nicolas Vitiello Darren Dunstan

Additional Voices[]

  • Karen Asconi - Weather Girl

External Links[]
