Super Kid (Syupeochaildeu 슈퍼 차일드, literally translated as Super Child) is a 1994 South Korean science fiction animated film. The movie follows the adventures of a group of super-powered space children who are called upon the emergence of an intergalactic threat. The movie was produced over a period of three years by UM Productions and was released direct to video.
The movie has gained notoriety for its muddled plot, poor film quality and continuity errors, and its similarity to the Dragon Ball franchise.
It is the year 2023, hurrying for a scoop, Eunjoo, a very active girl reporter, meets Gokdari and his super kids, who specialize in arresting space criminals. The Gokdari's group consists of the best space warriors. Their job is to do good by getting rid of any space rascal. At the right moment they arrest a space monster names Wangdochi and another criminal by locking them in a mysterious golden stick, which is widely reported by Eunjoo.
The English dub shares the same voice cast with the Canadian English dubs of Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z. Ocean Productions produced the English dubs of Dragon Ball Z for FUNimation Entertainment and AB Groupe. The English dub was produced around the same time as FUNimation's first English dub of Dragon Ball.