Stitch! (スティッチ! Sutitchi!) is a Japanese anime adaptation of the Walt Disney animated film Lilo & Stitch and its subsequent animated spin-offs. It takes place after Leroy & Stitch and debuted in Japan on October 8, 2008.
The first season began airing in English on the Australian Disney Channel on 4 December 2009, and later on Disney Channel Asia on December 19, 2009. On October 24, 2011, the series aired on Disney XD in the United States, but was removed from the schedule five days later due to unknown reasons, leaving the series unfinished. As a result, it has only five episodes aired.
Additional Voices[]
- Laura Bailey
- Troy Baker
- Ogie Banks
- Brian Beacock
- Ted Biaselli
- Steve Blum
- Cliff Broadway
- Debi Derryberry
- Benjamin Diskin
- Kyle Hebert
- Kate Higgins
- Ali Hillis
- Amber Hood
- Yuri Lowenthal
- Peter Lurie
- Mary Elizabeth McGlynn
- Rocky McMurray
- Daran Norris
- Colleen O'Shaughnessey
- Joe Ochman
- Derek Stephen Prince
- Michelle Ruff
- Tara Sands
- Stephanie Sheh
- Keith Silverstein
- Michael Sinterniklaas
- Roger Craig Smith
- Michael Sorich
- Meghan Strange
- Kirk Thornton
- Kari Wahlgren
- Travis Willingham
- Jess Winfield
- Wally Wingert
- Dave Wittenberg
- Michael Yurchak
- Unlike the original Japanese version, which got the majority of their dub voice cast for the Lilo & Stitch franchise, the English dub has none of the original voice cast from the series. The closest being Jess Winfield, who previously served as the Executive Producer for Lilo & Stitch: The Series.
- The lone voice actor to reprise any role from the original Lilo & Stitch series is Rocky McMurray, who voiced Clyde (Experiment 150) in Episode 29.
- Eight episodes of the first series were cut down into 11 minutes and were paired together in the English dub.
Date(s) | Channel | Country | |
2009-2012 | Disney Channel | Australia | |
2011 | Disney XD | United States |