Steel Angel Kurumi (鋼鉄天使くるみ Kōtetsu Tenshi Kurumi) is a Japanese anime series directed by Naohito Takahashi, developed by OLM, and published by Pony Canyon. The Steel Angel saga consists of Steel Angel Kurumi with 24 episodes, a 4 episode OVA titled Steel Angel Kurumi Encore, a 12 episode sequel titled Steel Angel Kurumi 2, and a 3 episode OVA titled Steel Angel Kurumi Zero (not dubbed). The series was distributed in the United States by ADV Films.
The series follows a young boy named Nakahito Kagura. He is pushed by a group of his classmates to go into a house that is rumored to belong to a mad scientist. While inside, he comes across in what seems to be a lifelike doll. At the same time, the Japanese Army carries out an attack on the house. During the attack the "doll" falls over and Nakahito accidentally kisses it, causing it to awaken. The doll turns out to be a Steel Angel called Kurumi, who is being hunted by the military for mysterious reasons.