Spike Team is an Italian animated series created by Andrea Lucchetta and produced by Rai Fiction, Lucky Dreams and Graphilm. The first season aired in Italy from November 21, 2010 to May 22, 2011, while the second season aired from July 17, 2014 to July 29, 2014.
Character | Original Actor | Dub Actor |
Jo | Perla Liberatori | Alyson Leigh Rosenfeld |
Susan | Emanuela Damasio | Kelly Pekar |
Ann Mary | Monica Vulcano | Lindsay Bell |
Victoria | Laura Amadei | Julia Hirsh |
Beth | Eva Piluso | Ashley Blasland |
Patty | Gemma Donati | Rikvi Bench |
Grace | Monica Bertolotti | Serra Hirsch |
Lucky | Andrea Lucchetta | Jason Griffith |
Amalia | ¿? | Terri Kalusner |
Vito | Achille D'Aniello | J. David Brimmer |
Alea | Saverio Indro | Joseph Busby |
Mimicry | ¿? | David Wills |
Ann Mary | Monica Vulcano | Madeline Bundy |
Franci | Emanuela Ionica | Brittany Lauda |
Julio | ¿? | Harris Doran |
Brent Winters | ¿? | Jeremy Morse |
Coldwater | ¿? | Simon Pereira Shorey |
Carlos | ¿? | David Wills |
Additional Voices[]
- Joan Baker
- Matt Ban
- Candi Boyd
- Scot Cahoon
- Allen Enlow
- Timothy French
- Serra Hirsch
- Laurie Hymes
- Eddy Lee
- Sarah Pesek
- Mike Pollock
- Billy Bob Thompson
- Marc Thompson
- Michael Varde
- David Wills
External Links[]
- Spike Team at the Internet Movie Database