Peter Benjamin Parker, better known as Spider-Man, is one of the main protagonists of the Marvel Universe. He is the titular main protagonist of the Spider-Man franchise. Spider-Man has been well-received as a superhero and comic book character, and he is one of the most iconic comic book characters of all time.
Spider-Man was created by the late Stan Lee and the late Steve Ditko, and first appeared in Amazing Fantasy #15: Introducing Spider-Man (August 1962).
Dub Actors[]
Actor | No. of Titles | Country |
Robbie Daymond | 3 |
Image | Year | Title | Seiyū | Dub Actor | Country |
2017-2018 2018-2019 (U.S.) |
Marvel Future Avengers | Shinji Kawada | Robbie Daymond | United States | |
2014-2015 2015 (U.S.) |
Marvel Disk Wars: The Avengers |
Image | Year | Title | Seiyū | Dub Actor | Country |
2017 | Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite | N/A | Robbie Daymond | United States |