Skeleton Knight in Another World is a 2022 anime based on the light novel series written by Ennki Hakari and illustrated by KeG. The original novel series was published from October 19, 2014 to July 16, 2018.
The anime series was announced on April 17, 2021. It was animated by both Studio Kai and Hornets, directed by Katsumi Ono, and it premiered in Japan from April 7, 2022 to June 23, 2022, consisting of 12 episodes. Crunchyroll produced an English dub of the series, which premiered on April 28, 2022.
When Arc wakes up, he discovers that he has been transported to another world in the body of the character he was playing in an MMO. Looking like a suit of armor on the outside and a skeleton on the inside, he is the Skeleton Knight.
If his identity is discovered, he could be mistaken for a monster and become a target!
Arc decides to spend his time as a mercenary so as not to attract attention to himself. However, he's not the kind of man who can stand idly by when he witnesses evil acts take place right before his eyes!
This isekai fantasy series about the Skeleton Knight's unintentional quest to make the world a better place has arrived!!