Simba the King Lion (Simba - è nato un re) is a 1995 North Korean-Italian animated series produced by Mondo TV and animated at Studio SEK in North Korea, was infamous for its plagiarism of various Disney animated films (The Lion King chief among them) back then, they no longer do that. An English dub was produced in Canada in season 1 to 2 and United States in season 3 and 4.
Character | Original Actor | Dub Actor |
Simba | Cinzia Massironi (child) | Sonja Ball (child) |
Patrizio Prata (adult) | Thor Bishopric (adult) | |
Buckshot (Bimbo) |
Roberta Gallina Laurenti (child) | Daniel Brochu (child) |
Simone d'Andrea (adult) | ? (adult) | |
Shere Khan | Mario Zucca | ? |
Baloo | ? | ? |
Bagheera | ? | Terrence Scammell |
Kurdy | ? | Rick Jones |
Augustine | ? | Walter Massey |
Arbor | ? | Neil Shee |
Toy/Winner | Davide Garbolino | Pauline Little |
Thin | Graziano Galoforo | ? |
XL | Paolo Torrisi | Terrence Scammell |
Narrator | ? | Jane Woods |
- Many of the English voice actors involved in the production are surprisingly well known in other roles, such as Sonja Ball and Daniel Brochu, the voices of Jane Read and Buster Baxter from Arthur.
External Links[]
- Simba the King Lion at the Internet Movie Database