Shachibato! President, It's Time for Battle! is a 2020 anime series based on the light novel with the same name written by Yusaku Igarashi and illustrated by Kurone Mishima.
The anime series was announced on December 1, 2019. It was animated by C2C, directed by Hiroki Ikeshita, and premiered in Japan from April 5, 2020 to June 28, 2020, consisting of 12 episodes.
Funimation licensed the series, while OkraTron 5000 produced the English Dub, which premiered on February 26, 2021[1].
Based on the popular strategy game, Minato has become the new president of the Kibou Company. In order to be a good president and help the company grow, he must lead his party of adventurers through the Gate and collect Kirakuri - a type of energy that is extremely valuable and fundamental to the city of Gatepia. However, there are other companies vying for the chance to gather the Kirakuri.