Samurai 7 (サムライセブン) is an anime series produced by Gonzo, based on Akira Kurosawa's highly regarded 1954 movie Seven Samurai. The series originally aired in Japan between June 12, 2004 and December 25, 2004, consisting of 26 episodes. The series was released in North America on DVD by FUNimation Entertainment between August 23, 2005 and July 25, 2006. This was also J. Michael Tatum‘s dubbing debut.
Image | Character | Seiyū | Dub Actor |
Kirara Mikumari | Fumiko Orikasa | Colleen Clinkenbeard | |
Komachi Mikumari | Chiwa Saitō | Luci Christian | |
Rikichi | Tadahisa Saizen | J. Michael Tatum | |
Ukyo | Takehito Koyasu | Anthony Bowling | |
Samurais | |||
Kambei Shimada | Masaki Terasoma | R. Bruce Elliott | |
Katsushiro Okamoto | Romi Park | Sean Michael Teague | |
Gorobei Katayama | Tetsu Inada | Bob Carter | |
Shichiroji | Tōru Kusano | Duncan Brannan | |
Kikuchiyo | Kuwata Kong | Christopher Sabat | |
Heihachi Hayashida | Junji Inukai | Greg Ayres | |
Kyuzo | Shinichirō Miki | Sonny Strait |
Additional Voices[]
- Scott McNeil's second Dallas recorded role after Fullmetal Alchemist and later One Piece Film: Strong World.
Date(s) | Channel | Country | |
2006 | Animania | United States | |
2006-2008 | IFC | ||
2006 | Razer | Canada | |
2010-2012 | FUNimation Channel | United States | |
2012-2013 | Cartoon Network (Toonami / Adult Swim) |
Video Releases[]
Distributor | Year | Format | Contents | Region | Country | |
FUNimation Entertainment | 2005-2006 | The Complete Series | 1 NTSC |
United States | ||
7 Volumes | ||||||
2007 | The Complete Series | |||||
7 Discs | ||||||
2009 | The Complete Series | A DVB-T | ||||
3 Discs | ||||||
2010 | The Complete Series | 1 NTSC | ||||
7 Discs | ||||||
2016 | + |
The Complete Series | A DVB-T 1 NTSC | |||
10 Discs |