Robot Trains is an animated series produced by CJ E&M initially released in South Korea in 2017. Licensed by Mondo TV, it would make it's way to the United States in the same year, with 16 episodes of Season 1 being recorded from an uncredited dubbing company. Season 2 would move recording studios and be now co-produced by Mondo TV and recorded by New York Dub, with 26 new episodes.
Character | Original Actor | Dub Actor |
Season 1 Characters | ||
Kay | Nam Do Hyeong | Bill Rogers |
Alf | Lee Dong hun | Ken Spassione Jr. |
Duke | ||
Duck | ¿? | Anthony Salerno |
Selly | ¿? | Carrie Savage |
Becky | ¿? | |
Jeffrey | ¿? | Joe Rodriguez |
Janne | ¿? | Angela Mulligan |
Season 2 Characters | ||
Genie | ¿? | Carrie Savage |
Maxie | ¿? | Angela Mulligan |
Victor | ¿? | Mark Szabo |
Mos | ¿? | Daniel J. Edwards |
Dos | ¿? | |
Train X | ¿? | Mike Pollock |
Gary | ¿? | Joe Rodriguez |
Moris | ¿? | Bob Senkewicz |
Vito | ¿? | Bill Timoney |
Additional Voices[]
- Rachel Slotky - Kevin
- Bill Timoney - Ygor
External Links[]
- Robot Trains at the Internet Movie Database