Dubbing Wikia
Dubbing Wikia

Robot Trains is an animated series produced by CJ E&M initially released in South Korea in 2017. Licensed by Mondo TV, it would make it's way to the United States in the same year, with 16 episodes of Season 1 being recorded from an uncredited dubbing company. Season 2 would move recording studios and be now co-produced by Mondo TV and recorded by New York Dub, with 26 new episodes.


Character Original Actor Dub Actor
Season 1 Characters
Kay Nam Do Hyeong Bill Rogers
Alf Lee Dong hun Ken Spassione Jr.
Duck ¿? Anthony Salerno
Selly ¿? Carrie Savage
Becky ¿?
Jeffrey ¿? Joe Rodriguez
Janne ¿? Angela Mulligan
Season 2 Characters
Genie ¿? Carrie Savage
Maxie ¿? Angela Mulligan
Victor ¿? Mark Szabo
Mos ¿? Daniel J. Edwards
Dos ¿?
Train X ¿? Mike Pollock
Gary ¿? Joe Rodriguez
Moris ¿? Bob Senkewicz
Vito ¿? Bill Timoney

Additional Voices[]

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