Revolutionary Girl Utena (少女革命ウテナ Shōjo Kakumei Utena) is a Japanese franchise created by the production group Be-Papas, which began as a manga in 1996 and subsequently adapted into an anime series consisting of 39 episodes in 1997, as well as a movie, a video game and a series of musicals. In the United States, the series was released on VHS in 1998 by Central Park Media under their Software Sculptors label.
Additional Voices[]
- Greg Abbey
- James Carter Cathcart
- Michal Friedman
- Dan Green
- Carol Jacobanis
- Summer Pepper
- Anthony Salerno
- Tara Sands
- Kerry Williams
- Central Park Media had difficulties licensing the remaining 26 episodes and the dub was put on hiatus despite the show's popularity. After settling all legal issues, they released the remaining 26 episodes of the anime series to bilingual DVDs in 2002 and 2003, though the show's popularity had declined in the years since.
- Enoki Films USA originally held the North American license to the anime and called the series Ursula's Kiss, and gave each character English names. However, Central Park Media, chose to use the original title and character names.
Date(s) | Channel | Country | |
2006 | FUNimation Channel | United States |
Video Releases[]
Distributor | Year | Format | Contents | Region | Country | |
Central Park Media | 1998-1999 | Episodes 1-13 | NTSC | United States | ||
4 Volumes | ||||||
1999-2000 | Episodes 1-13 | 0 NTSC | ||||
2 Volumes | ||||||
2002-2003 | The Complete Series | 1 NTSC | ||||
8 Volumes | ||||||
2003-2004 | The Complete Series | |||||
3 Volumes | ||||||
The Right Stuf International Inc. | 2011 | The Complete Series | ||||
3 Volumes | ||||||
2017 | The Complete Series | A DVB-T | ||||
3 Volumes | ||||||
2018 | The Complete Series | |||||
10 Discs |
See Also[]
External Links[]
- Revolutionary Girl Utena at the Internet Movie Database.
- Revolutionary Girl Utena (anime) on the Anime News Network's encyclopedia.
- Revolutionary Girl Utena on Behind The Voice Actors.