Ranma ½ (らんま½, Ranma Nibun no Ichi) is a 2024 reboot anime adaption of the manga of the same name by Rumiko Takahashi. The anime series is directed by Konosuke Uda, with Kimiko Ueno writing series scripts, Hiromi Taniguchi designing the characters, and Kaoru Wada composing the music, produced by ShoPro for Nippon Television and animated by MAPPA. It is the second anime adaptation of Ranma ½ following the first anime adaptation released back in 1989 to 1992 and will closely follow the events of the manga.
The series was first announced with a promotional video released on June 26, 2024, followed by an official announcement on July 17, 2024. The series will begin airing on October 5th, 2024 on Nippon Television, with Netflix licensing it for streaming worldwide weekly starting on October 6 of the same year with an English dub simulcasted.
Ranma Saotome and Akane Tendo of Tendo Dojo are betrothed to each other by their parents. But Ranma faces a unique problem… Ever since he fell into the cursed springs of Jusenkyo while training in China, his body has acquired the peculiar trait of transforming into a girl when doused with cold water and reverting to a boy with hot water.
This is the first piece of "Ranma ½" media to be dubbed in the United States at Iyuno, Los Angeles, in place of Ocean Productions in Canada, the studio that previously dubbed the previous Ranma ½ series, its films and OVAs.
In addition, the Ranma ½ 2024 remake is notable for being the first American English dub production of "Ranma ½" to be unionized, due in part to Netflix's dubbing agreement with SAG-AFTRA, though it is currently unknown if the dub will use any Vancouver voice actors from the original series dub or not.