Dubbing Wikia

Prisma is a 2022 Italian drama series created by Ludovico Bessegato, Alice Urciuolo and Giulio Calvani.

It was released to Amazon Prime Video on September 21, 2022.


Prisma explores the relationships and the identities of Andrea and Marco, two twins identical on the outside, but very different in their approach on life; and of their group of friends, united by the search for their place in the world.


Character Original Actor Dub Actor
Andrea Mattia Carrano Alex Bankier
Nina Caterina Forza Heather Gonzalez
Daniele Lorenzo Zurzolo Alex Lawless
Carola Chiara Bordi Ren Martinez
Ilo Matteo Scattaretico Johnny Hawkes
Vittorio LXX Blood Isaac Cruz

Additional Voices[]

External Links[]

  • Prisma at the Internet Movie Database