Parasite Dolls (パラサイトドールズ Parasaito Dōruzu) is a three-part original video animation produced by the Anime International Company and IMAGICA Entertainment, and written by Chiaki J. Konaka and Kazuto Nakazawa.
The series is set in the Bubblegum Crisis universe in the city of Megatokyo, and focuses on a group of A.D. Police officers known as the Branch. They are tasked with stopping terrorist activities as well as Boomers (androids) that have become harmful to society.
A secret unit of the AD Police, known as Branch, specializes in crimes involving humanoid robots called 'Boomers'. Branch officer Buzz must cope with having a Boomer for a partner, while officer Michaelson finds the line between human and robot to be a thin one. Together they serve to protect a world that is slowly deconstructing around them. Set in the Bubblegum Crisis universe.