PSO2COMI Anime, called Puso Ni Comi Anime (Japanese: アニメぷそ煮コミ) in Japanese, is an anime adaption of the online gag comic series of the same name based on the free-to-play online multiplayer game, Phantasy Star Online 2. It was premiered, and released on Youtube in Japanese on January 7, 2019. It was also, localized in English on January 2021 before select episodes were compiled together, dubbed into English, premiered, and released on February 4, 2021.
Character | Seiyū | Dub Actor |
Mitarashi | Rui Tanabe | Mirei Yamagata |
Real Mitarashi | ||
Tetra | Rie Hikisaka | Carolyn Miller |
Real Tetra | Takaaki Torashima | Dominic Allen |
Ichika | Aki Kanada | Shin |
Makino | Sayaka Senbongi | Rumiko Varnes |
Nekonomiya | Aki Kanada | |
Zect | Tomohiro Sato | Cyrus Nozomu Sethna |
Dolce | Ayaka Shimizu | Mai |
Announcement | To identify |