Otherside Picnic (裏世界ピクニック, Urasekai Picnic) is a 2021 anime series directed by Takuya Satō, animated by Liden Films and based on the science fiction novel series written by by Iori Miyazawa and illustrated by shirakaba.
It aired in Japan from January 4, 2021 to March 22, 2021 and the dub was released to FUNimation on November 15, 2021.
Sorawo has been exploring the strange dream-like world she calls the Otherside ever since she stumbled upon it during her days as an urban explorer, but her most recent trip has gotten her into serious trouble. That's when she meets Toriko, a strange young woman searching the Otherside for her missing friend. Toriko helps Sorawo out of her predicament, and Sorawo falls into helping Toriko in her mission. But each journey into the Otherside brings strange new dangers and skills, and Sorawo isn't sure that the search is worth it.