Onihei is a 2017 anime series adapted by Studio M2 aired from January 10, 2017 to April 4, 2017, consisting of 13 episodes. The anime is directed by Shigeyuki Miya who also designs the characters. Masao Maruyama is credited as creative producer with TMS Entertainment in production.
An OVA prequel was released on February 22, 2017. The theme song for this anime is Soshite....Ikinasai by Saori Yuki. Amazon Prime later added the anime series on the same day of the Japanese broadcast of premiere episode.
An English dub of the anime was released on Tubi on April 15, 2021.[1]
Image | Character | Seiyū | Dub Actor |
Heizō Hasegawa | Kenyū Horiuchi | Jason Kesser | |
Tatsuzō | Daisuke Namikawa | Alex Machado | |
Hisae | Junko Iwao | Elaine Flores | |
Ojun | Sayaka Senbongi | Olivia Cruz | |
Omasa | Romi Park | Crystal Lopez | |
Chūgo Kimura | Nobuhiko Okamoto | Scott Genn | |
Chūsuke Sajima | Kiyomitsu Mizuuchi | Chris Jahn | |
Yūsuke Sakai | Kenji Hamada | Carlos Alayeto | |
Yasugorō Koyanagi | Hidenobu Kiuchi | Alex Teixeira | |
Hikojū | Shōzō Iizuka | Phil DuBois | |
Kumehachi | Yoshimasa Hosoya | Hernán Chavarro | |
Samanosuke Kishii | Hideyuki Tanaka | Todd Durkin |
Additional Voices[]
- Carlos Alayeto
- Jorge Barranco
- Ghia Burns
- Clay Cartland
- Phil DuBois
- Todd Durkin
- Elaine Flores
- Scott Genn
- Jason Kesser
- Crystal Lopez
- Alex Machado
- Debbie Murillo
- Elizabeth Price
- Alex Teixeira
- Gregg Weiner