The Ninjala 2D Anime is a 2020 web anime series of animated shorts featuring the main characters of Ninjala animated by Studio Hibari and Domerica and released June 23, 2020 on the game's official GungHo Online's YouTube channel. Each episode focuses on a specific character out of the main eight, and the series serves to detail the characters' origins prior to the events of the game and expand on the Ninjala series' lore. It was proceeded by the 3D CGI animation, Ninja-Gum is Born.
Image | Character | Seiyū | Dub Actor |
Burton | Takahiro Sakurai | Max Mittelman | |
Berreca | Akari Kito | Kailey Snider | |
Ron | Hiroki Yasumoto | Regi Davis | |
Van | Yumiko Kobayashi | Becky Robinson | |
Van's Mom | Yumi Kakazu | Laura Post | |
Van's Dad | Taiten Kusunoki | Andrew Morgado | |
Genryusai | Chō | Erik Braa | |
Chloe | Emiri Katō | Julie Nathanson | |
Lucy | Aoi Yūki | Reba Buhr | |
Lucy's Mother | Sanae Kobayashi | ||
Lucy's Father | Kōzō Mito | Greg Chun | |
Emma | Megumi Han | Kimberly Brooks | |
Kappei | Ayumu Murase | Kath Soucie | |
Bob | Takahiro Mizushima | Todd Haberkorn | |
Jane | Junko Minagawa | Ashly Burch | |
Gumchi | Honoka Inoue | Stephanie Southerland | |
Lauren Warren | Aya Endō | Kari Wahlgren |
Additional Voices[]
- John Eric Bentley
- Greg Chun
- Debi Derryberry
- Benjamin Diskin
- Gideon Emery
- Kellen Goff
- Mara Junot
- Yuri Lowenthal
- Erica Luttrell
- Faye Mata
- Andrew Morgado
- Roger Craig Smith
- Jason Linere White
See Also[]
- Ninjala (2022)