Ninja the Wonder Boy is a 1984 film cut from the 1979-1980 anime series Manga Sarutobi Sasuke (まんが猿飛佐助). It was produced by Jim Terry Productions and released on video by Paramount in the mid-80s.
Character | Seiyū | Dub Actor |
Duke Hayakawa | Yōko Matsuoka | Richard Rossner |
Iron Mike | Toku Nishio | Jan Rabson |
Hanzo | Shōzō Iizuka | Richard Rossner |
Lord Sanada | Masaru Ikeda | Jan Rabson |
Blossom | Sanae Takagi | ? |
Master White | Eiji Maruyama | Jan Rabson |
Princess Yuki | Yumiko Sasaki | ? |
The Dragon | Shōzō Iizuka | Jan Rabson |
Narrator | ? |
External Links[]
- Ninja the Wonder Boy at the Internet Movie Database
- Ninja the Wonder Boy (anime) at Anime News Network's encyclopedia