New Dominion Tank Police (特捜戦車隊ドミニオン Tokusou Senshatai Dominion) is a Japanese OVA series, based on the manga Dominion by Masamune Shirow, and a sequel to the original OVA series. It was originally released in Japan from October 21, 1993 to October 21, 1994.
The year is 2016. The place is New Port City. The Tank Police are still waging a desperate war on crime, and their tactics are still highly questionable. Mayor Weatherby is trying to pass a bill banning certain weapons from the city, which makes her a target of the Dai Nippon Geiken Corporation, who are now manufacturing mobile weapons that even the Tank Police may not be able to stop.
The dub uses different localization's than the Dominion Tank Police dub. Specs is named "Four Eyes", Chaplain is named "Reverend" and the Tank Police is renamed the "Tank Battalion".
Unlike the original Japanese version, many voice actors reprise their roles from the original OVA series. However, various actors are replaced.
Adam Henderson replaced Steve Graf as Al
William Dufris replaced William Armstrong as Specs/Four Eyes.
Colin Bruce replaced Peter Whitman as the Chaplain/Reverend. This is likely related to Whitman's failing health and death 3 months after the dubs' release.
Maiden Japan's release of the series is sub-only, citing poor quality for not including the dub. They had also considered producing a redub, but the original music and sound effects track no longer exists.