Mother of the Goddess' Dormitory is a 2021 anime series based on the Japanese manga series with the same name written and illustrated by Ikumi Hino. It was serialized and published in Kadokawa Shoten's Shōnen manga magazine Monthly Shōnen Ace from December 26, 2017 to June 24, 2022, and with a total of 9 Volumes.
The anime series was announced in the mangas fifth volume on May 25, 2020. It was animated/produced by Asread, directed by Shunsuke Nakashige, and aired in Japan from July 14, 2021 to September 15, 2021, consisting of 10 episodes. Sentai Filmworks licensed the anime, while HIDIVE streamed the series. On August 24, 2021, HIDIVE announced the English Dub Cast for the series, which premiered on their streaming service a day later on August 25, 2021[1].
Down-on-his-luck Koushi Nagumo wanders the streets unemployed, homeless and in search of his next meal. His fortunes improve after a chance meeting with a vivacious young woman whose proposition seemingly solves nearly all his problems. Thanks to her, Koushi enters the welcoming halls of a dormitory at a women’s college… only this particular assignment is no stuffy, sleepy affair. The Goddess’ Dormitory is known for housing the college’s most unruly students! If he wants to keep a roof over his head, Koushi must become the “Dormitory Mother” charged with maintaining order and good discipline. But doing his job and keeping his sanity are no small feat with characters as endearingly eccentric and untamable as these!