Monkey (西遊記 Saiyūki) is a 1978-1980 Japanese TV show based on Journey to the West. The English version of the series, dubbed in the early 80s and broadcast on the BBC, became a cult hit due to the humorous dub scripts and acting.
In 2004, when the series was released on DVD, 13 episodes that had not originally been dubbed were finally translated, using as much of the original cast as possible.
Character | Actor | Dub Actor |
Monkey | Masaaki Sakai | David Collings |
Tripitaka | Masako Natsume | Maria Warburg |
Pigsy | Toshiyuki Nishida | Peter Woodthorpe |
Sandy | Shiro Kishibe | Gareth Armstrong |
Horse | Shunji Fujimura | Andrew Sachs |
Buddha | Mieko Takamine | Cecile Chevreau |
Narrator | ? | Frank Duncan |
External Links[]
- Monkey at the Internet Movie Database