Mini-Wakfu is a series of humorous shorts based off the French television series Wakfu with characters depicted in super deformed (chibi) style, spanning 2 minutes each. Each short is based on each Season 1 episode, with the 27th one being based on the Nox Special.
Image | Character | Original Actor | Dub Actor |
Yugo | Fanny Bloc | Jules de Jongh | |
Amalia Sheran Sharm | Adeline Chetail | Jessica Bell | |
Evangelyne | GeneviĆØve Doang | Jules de Jongh | |
Sir Percedal of Sadlygrove | Thomas Guitard | Ross Grant | |
Ruel Stroud | Patrick BĆ©thune | Hugo Chandor | |
Rubilax | GĆ©rard Surugue | Keir Stewart | |
AdamaĆÆ | DorothĆ©e PoussĆ©o | Joanna Ruiz | |
Nox | Benjamin Pascal | Arthur Bostrom | |
Kabrok | Patrick BĆ©thune | Keir Stewart | |
Mandhul | Michel VignƩ | ||
Puddlie | GeneviĆØve Doang | Joanna Ruiz | |
Nausea | Elisabeth Fargeot | Fiona Clarke | |
Sybannak | Dolly Vanden | ||
Chouquette | Elisabeth Fargeot | ||
Macrobio | Benjamin Pascal | James Nickerson | |
Chauchane | Dolly Vanden | Fiona Clarke | |
Miranda | Nathalie Regnier | ||
Ticket Vendor | Damien Da Silva | Ross Grant | |
Merchant | Arnaud Laurent | Joe Mills | |
Jactance | Cedric Dumond | Tom Clarke-Hill | |
Grufon (Skribble) |
Damien Da Silva | Taylor Clarke-Hill | |
Moon | Thomas Guitard | ||
Grambos | Arnaud Laurent Thomas Guitard Benjamin Pascal |
Fiona Clarke Joe Mills | |
Renate | Damien Da Silva | Tom Clarke-Hill | |
Percedal's Conscience | Thomas Guitard | Ross Grant | |
Lotie | Jennifer Fauveau | Fiona Clarke | |
Razortime | Thomas Guitard | Jimmy Hibbert |
- Julie-Ann Dean and Eric Meyers do not seem to reprise their respective roles as Chouquette and Renate, likely due to scheduling issues.
- Fiona Clarke also doesn't reprise her role as Moon, but still does several other voices throughout the series.
- The English dub is only known to be available on a Kickstarter exclusive Blu-ray set which was never released publicly. The dub would be made available on the Ankama Launcher, however.