Meiji Tokyo Renka is a 2019 anime based on the visual novel series of the same name. It premiered in Japan on January 9, 2019. Funimation Entertainment is producing a simuldub of the series, which premiered on the FunimationNow streaming service on February 6, 2019.
English Voice Cast[]
Image | Character | Seiyū | Dub Actor |
Ougai Mori | Daisuke Namikawa | Christopher Wehkamp | |
Syunso Hishida | KENN | Daman Mills | |
Mei Ayazuki | Sumire Morohoshi | Madeleine Morris | |
Kyoka Izumi | Nobuhiko Okamoto | Aaron Dismuke | |
Otojiro Kawakami | Kōsuke Toriumi | Aaron Roberts | |
Goro Fujita | Jun Fukuyama | Chad Halbrook | |
Yakumo Koizumi | Shinnosuke Tachibana | Howard Wang | |
Charlie | Toshiyuki Morikawa | Ian Sinclair Justin Briner (ep6; SimulDub only) |
Additional Voices[]
- Amber Lee Connors - Jane (ep3)
- Brian Olvera - Eiichi Shibusawa (ep3)
- Coby Lewin - Akitaro Daichi (ep10)
- Dallas Reid - King Tatsuno (ep10)
- Dawn M. Bennett - Ichiyo Higuchi (ep4)
- Emily Fajardo - Fumi
- Garret Storms - Tosuke Iwasaki
- Greg Lush - Yukichi Fukuzawa (ep6)
- Jessica Cavanagh - Arima (ep4)
- Justin Briner - Rentaro Taki (ep7)
- Kyle Igneczi - Shiki Masaoka (ep2), Taikan Yokoyama (ep11)
- Kyle Phillips - Tenshin Okakura (ep9)
- Linda Young - Ougai's Aunt (ep4)
- Matt Shipman - Koyo Ozaki (ep8)
- Megan Shipman - Mei's Mother (ep1), Shino (ep4)
- Rachel Messer - Shirayuki (ep7)
- Stephen Fu - Kyoya Saotome (ep8)
- Tabitha Ray - Akiko Yosano (ep5), Omiya (ep4)
- Terri Doty - Yakumo (Young) (ep3)
- Alejandro Saab
- Alexis Tipton
- Amber Lee Connors
- Anthony Bowling
- Brian Olvera
- Brittany Lauda
- Christopher Wehkamp - Ougai's Imposter (ep10)
- Dawn M. Bennett
- Drew Breedlove
- Haileigh Todd
- Hayden Daviau
- Jacob Browning
- Jerrin Prince
- Jill Harris
- Josh Bangle
- Katelyn Barr - Otojiro's Mother, Additional Voices
- Katlin Moon-Jones
- Lara Woodhull
- Madeleine Morris
- Mallorie Rodak
- Marcus D. Stimac
- Megan Shipman
- Mikaela Krantz
- Mike McFarland
- Rachel Michelle Thompson
- Ricco Fajardo
- Ryan Urbanovsky
- Sara Ragsdale
- Sarah Wiedenheft
- Shawn Gann
- Stephen Fu
- Tabitha Ray
- Tony Spurgin
- Tyler Walker