Mega Man Star Force, known in Japan as Shooting Star Rockman (流星のロックマン Ryūsei no Rockman) is an anime television series. The series originally aired in Japan between October 7, 2006 and March 29, 2008, consisting of 76 episodes. The series aired in North America between July 23, 2007 and December 10, 2007, consisting of 13 episodes.
In the year 220X, the world has advanced toward radio-wave technology, and the world is connected through the Wave Road. Meet Subaru Hoshikawa, a fifth-grade student who lost his father in a space accident. Subaru meets an extraterrestrial radio-wave being named War-Rock, descending from a distant FM planet. War-Rock claims to know about Subaru's father, but many alien beings are after War-Rock. The two work together and merge into Rockman, a radio-wave human capable of traversing the Wave Road and battling the radio-wave viruses and FMs that threaten the Earth.
The first 25 episodes were edited into 13 episodes due to the series' 10-minute runtime.
The show made its television debut on Cartoon Network on August 25, 2007, edited as a 2-hour faux-movie presentation composed of Japanese episodes 1 through 9 and heavily slimmed-down versions of episodes 12, 15, and 16. The series would never air in normal episodic format on television.