Dubbing Wikia

Max & Maestro (Max et Maestro) is a French animated series created by Christophe Pinto and co-produced by Rai Ragazzi, France Télévisions and HR. The series tells of the encounter between a boy who is passionate about video games and rap music and the master Daniel Barenboim.


Max is a fan of rap music who meets the greatest orchestra conductor in the world! 'El Maestro’ will help Max discover classical music and tell him that he has ‘the perfect pitch.’ But classical isn't cool, so Max must learn in secret. The work of pianist and conductor, Daniel Barenboim and French hip-hop artist, Akhenaton teach the concepts of Great Music and each class is an adventure!

Dubbing History[]

Two English dubs are known to exist for the series. As indicated in the 2015 Pilot trailer and the official 2018 trailer, the series was originally dubbed into English in the United Kingdom. The cast seems to differ between the two trailers, however, the lone exception being Joe Mills.

In late 2019, the series was made available on Amazon Prime and Kidstream, this particular release, however, features an entirely different dub with an American voice cast. Due to the lack of voice actor credits, the cast is very unclear. But it can be assumed the dub was recorded in LA as a couple of voices sound extremely similar to Max Mittelman.

While the US dub can be easily found on Kidstream, the UK dub is far more difficult to find.


Image Character Original Actor United Kingdom UK Dub United States US Dub
Main Characters
Max Max Belros Benjamin Bollen Joanna Ruiz Max Mittelman
Daniel Barenboim Daniel Barenboim Gilbert Lévy Joe Mills Grant George
Bakary Bakary Benjamin Pascal Ross Grant André Gordon
Leon Leon Fanny Bloc Julie-Ann Dean Max Mittelman
Lamia Lamia Corinne Martin Christine Marie Cabanos
Secondary Characters
Sandra Sandra Belros Fanny Bloc Julie-Ann Dean Dorothy Elias-Fahn
Didier Didier Belros Doudou Masta Joe Mills Patrick Seitz
Oscar Oscar Arthur Pestel Grant George
Chan Chan Fanny Bloc Reba Buhr
Brame Brame
Recurring Characters
Omar Omar Benjamin Bollen Grant George
Malika Malika Fanny Bloc
Ms. Tofu Ms. Tofu
MC Lunar MC Lunar Benjamin Pascal
Basille Basille Benjamin Bollen
Tara Tara Corinne Martin
Ricardo Ricardo Arthur Pestel
Rebecca (max and maestro) Rebecca
Bakary's Mom Bakary's Mom
Leon's Dad Leon's Dad
Jean-Pierre Jean-Pierre
Male Teacher Male Teacher Grant George
Music Teacher Music Teacher
Edward Edward
Grandma Felicity Grandma Felicity
Sofia Sofia
Lucy Lucy
Uncle Moose Uncle Moose

Additional Voices[]


  • The 2015 pilot trailer originally featured two unknown child actors as Max and Bakary and Joe Mills as Leon.
  • Soccer is still referred to by the European term 'football' in the US dub.
    • Though there are occasions where it is called soccer.