Marco Polo: Return to Xanadu is a 2001 animated film produced by The Tooniversal Company. The film is a partial remake/re-edit of the 1972 Australian animated feature Marco Polo Jr.. Footage from the original film was combined with new animation to create the final result. Lionsgate Films has made this version of the movie available for video-on-demand.
An adventure story about a young Marco whose ancestor was the descendant of the famous historical Marco Polo, takes an exciting journey to the mythical kingdom of Xanadu. He must travel back to the land of the Kubla Khan to save it from an evil villain who is a magician, known as Foo-Ling who does not want Marco to reach Xanadu. The help of his friends and the great powers of the medallion enable Marco to chase after Foo-Ling through space and time, and one day, bring him back to justice.