Lycoris Recoil is a 2022 anime directed by Shingo Adachi based on an original story by Asura. The show premiered in Japan on July 2, 2022. An English dub premiered on Crunchyroll on August 20, 2022 and premiered on Adult Swim's Toonami block on January 21, 2024.
For these peaceful days――there’s a secret behind it all. A secret organization that prevents crimes: “DA - Direct Attack”. And their group of all-girl agents: “Lycoris”. This peaceful everyday life is all thanks to these young girls.
The elite Chisato Nishikigi is the strongest Lycoris agent of all time.
Alongside is Takina Inoue, the talented but mysterious Lycoris.
They work together at one of its branches–Café LycoReco. Here, the orders this café takes range from coffee and sweets to childcare, shopping, teaching Japanese to foreign students, etc. It's mostly tasks unbefitting of Lycoris.
The free-spirited and optimistic pacifist, Chisato. And the cool-headed and efficient Takina. The chaotic everyday lives of this mismatched duo begin!