Love Live! Superstar!! is an anime television series produced by Bandai Namco Filmworks (formerly known as Sunrise) as the fourth installment in the Love Live! franchise. It is directed by Takahiko Kyogoku, with the screenplay written by Jukki Hanada and Atsushi Saito designing the characters. The series follows five high school girls who overcome personal challenges as members of their school idol group Liella! on their way to gaining prominence in the school idol world. The first season aired 12 episodes on NHK Educational TV from July 11 to October 17, 2021. A second season aired from July 17 to October 9, 2022. A third season has been announced. Crunchyroll (previously known as FUNimation Entertainment) has licensed the series for international releases.
For the first season, Liella! perform both the opening and ending themes, titled "Start!! True Dreams" and "Mirai wa Kaze no Yō ni" (未来は風のように) respectively, from episode 2 onwards. Special animated music videos made specifically for the NHK Educational TV broadcast featuring original songs by Liella! air after each episode titled "Songs of Liella!". For the second season, Liella! again perform both the opening and ending themes, titled "We Will!!" and "Oikakeru Yume no Saki de" (追いかける夢の先で).
Image | Character | Seiyū | Dub Actor |
Kanon Shibuya | Sayuri Date | Kristi Rothrock | |
Keke Tang | Liyuu | Julia Gu | |
Chisato Arashi | Nako Misaki | Maddie Matsumoto | |
Sumire Heanna | Naomi Payton | Lizzie Freeman | |
Ren Hazuki | Nagisa Aoyama | Natalie Van Sistine | |
Kinako Sakurakoji | Nozomi Suzuhara | TBA | |
Mei Yoneme | Akane Yabushima | TBA | |
Shiki Wakana | Wakana Ōkuma | TBA | |
Natsumi Onitsuka | Aya Emori | TBA | |
Aria Shibuya | Akane Matsunaga | Cat Protano | |
Yūna Hijirisawa | Yoshitake Chihaya | Dani Chambers | |
Mao Hiiragi | Yuna Yūki | Corey Pettit | |
Wien Margarete | Yuina Open | TBA |
Additional Voices[]
- Katelyn Barr
- Ryan Bartley
- Marianne Bray
- Francesca Calo
- Dani Chambers
- Christina Costello
- Emery Erickson
- Cassie Ewulu
- Emily Frongillo
- Natalie Hoover
- Katy Johnson
- Macy Anne Johnson
- Trisha Mellon
- Erica Muse
- Corey Pettit
- Cat Protano
- Farah Naz Rishi
- Rachel Michelle Thompson
- Minh Ton
- Stephanie Young
- The second half is not dubbed.
External Links[]
- Love Live! Superstar!! (anime) at Anime News Network's encyclopedia
- Love Live! Superstar!! at the Internet Movie Database