Locke the Superman (超人ロック Chōjin Locke) is a Japanese anime film based on the manga created by Hiriji Yuki. It follows Locke, an esper with incredible psychic powers. The English dub cast for Locke The Superman consists of an unidentified voice actor of Canadian descent theorized to be Mark Reeve, Andy Chworowsky, an unidentified female voice actress of English descent with no current theories to her name, a voice actress of North American descent with no current theories to her name, Rik Thomas, and Simon Broad.
Characters | Seiyū | Dub Actor |
Locke | Keiichi Nanba | (unknown 1) |
Ryū Yamaki | Yoshito Yasuhara | Andy Chworowsky |
Jessica Orin / Amelia | Keiko Han | (unknown 2) |
Cornelia Prim | Toshiko Fujita | (unknown 3) |
Lady Kahn | Taeko Nakanishi | (unknown 3) |
Professor Ramses | Hidekatsu Shibata | Rik Thomas |
Manu | Kōji Totani | Simon Broad |
John | Daisuke Gōri | Rik Thomas, Simon Broad |
Cain | Kōzō Shioya | Simon Broad |
Udo | Shigeru Chiba | Rik Thomas |
Kim | Eiko Yamada | Andy Chworosky |
Tack | Kyoko Tongu | (unknown 1) |
Lu | Mieko Nobusawa | (unknown 2) |
Ann | Michie Tomizawa | (unknown 2) |
Luke | Masaharu Satō | Simon Broad |
Dionysus Captain | Mikio Terashima | Rik Thomas |
Lieutenant Bell | Banjō Ginga | Rik Thomas |
- Likely to avoid copyright problems with DC Comics' Superman franchises, the film was re-titled Locke the Superpower by Celebrity Home Entertainment and as Star Warrior in the United Kingdom.
- The Central Park Media VHS and Sentai Filmworks Blu-ray releases are sub-only.
Video Releases[]
Distributor | Year | Format | Region | Country | |
Celebrity Home Entertainment | 1987 | NTSC | United States | ||
Unicorn Pictures | 1989 | PAL | United Kingdom | ||
Celebrity Home Entertainment | 1991 | NTSC | United States | ||
Best Film & Video Corp. | 1995 | ||||
Discotek Media | 2012 | 1 NTSC |
External Links[]
- Locke the Superman (anime) at Anime News Network's encyclopedia
- Locke the Superman at the Internet Movie Database